Namma Mysuru

Android Application with backend server

Focus Areas

  • Android
  • Python
  • HTTP
  • JSON
  • SQL


Being a movie freak, I used to struggle to find out about movies and their show times in Mysuru theaters. So I thought of building an Android App that can show those details along with the directions to the famous sightseeing destinations and Restaurants around the city.

This was one of the most challenging, time consuming and interesting projects of mine. Throughout the project I always thought about integrating as many features as possible.

Project can broken down into several modules,

1. Web-Crawler:

A web-crawler written in Python using beautiful soup. Python scripts crawls the movie data available on google and fetches related information from YouTube (trailer) and Wikipedia (Movie information) and loads it to sqlite database.

Please feel to take a look at my web-crawler project website

2. Http Server:

A http server running on my Digital Ocean droplet (VM), serves the https requests made by my app with the appropriate data it got after reading database previously populated in stage 1. The data is rturned in JSON format so that android application can parse and render it accordingly.

3. Android App:

Android application that renders the data generated in step 1 and 2. Please feel free to checkout out my app on Google Play